Blog Posts

How Much Does Adoption Cost?

This is always such a loaded question that is incredibly hard to answer. Unfortunately there are so many differing factors that can come into play that it’s impossible to just throw out an accurate number. Agencies cost a significant amount more than doing private adoptions. With agencies they present you to expectant parents and help you match, and charge a lot of money for that service. There’s also the question on if the agency is ethical that is highly important

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3 Adoptions in a Little Over a Year? How?

In the adoption world you watch couples be matched, comparing yourself to them and wondering why they’re chosen and not you. What are they doing that you aren’t? How are they doing it? How do you stand out amidst so many amazing couples? The questions and self doubt can be endless. When trying to adopt I treated marketing our family as another job, and dedicated nearly full time hours to it and creating a “family brand” of sorts.

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Why Adoption?

Adoption, and why someone adopted or why someone placed is all very personal and a question that has so many layers it can be hard to answer without sharing someone else’s story that isn’t yours to share. Due to medical conditions that were hereditary in my ex-husband’s family, and the lifelong impact of those conditions we decided to pursue adoption. Personally, I felt that making the choice of a 50% or greater chance of passing on serious, life changing conditions

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